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Acharya Shree Ravi Bhushan
Hindu Priest / Astrologist

Vedic Astrology is the oldest form of Astrology (5000-7000 years old) and follows the Vedic / Indian Astrology principles without any compromise for all its readings. Vedic Astrology uses the Moon Sign as the basis of all predictions. The Moon Sign uses the date, place & time to bring greater precision & all your horoscopes & forecast are based on your Moon. Astrology remains an important facet of folk belief in the contemporary lives of many Hindus. In Hindu culture, newborns are traditionally named based on their jyotisa charts, and astrological concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays, and in making major decisions such as those about marriage, opening a new business, or moving into a new home. Many Hindus believe that heavenly bodies, including the planets, have an influence throughout the life of a human being, and these planetary influences are the "fruit of karma". The Navagraha, planetary deities, are considered subordinate to Ishvara (the Hindu concept of a supreme being) in the administration of justice. Thus, it is believed that these planets can influence earthly life.
There are sixteen Varga (Sanskrit: varga, 'part, division'), or divisional, charts used in Hindu astrology.
Rasi– zodiacal signs
The Nirayana is an imaginary belt of 360 degrees, which, like the
Sayanais divided into 12 equal parts. Each part (of 30 degrees) is called a sign or rasi (Sanskrit: 'part'). Vedic (Jyotisa)
Naksatras – lunar mansions
The nakshatras are 27 equal divisions of the night sky used in Hindu astrology, each identified by its prominent star.
Dsas – planetary periods
The word dasha means 'state of being' and it is believed that the dasa largely governs the state of being of a person. The Dasa system shows which planets may be said to have become particularly active during the period of the Dasa. The ruling planet Dasanatha eclipses the mind of the person, compelling him or her to act per the nature of the planet.
Grahas – planet
The Navagraha "nine"; graha; describe nine celestial bodies used in Hindu astrology.
The Navagraha are said to be forces that capture or eclipse the mind and the decision making of human beings, thus the term graha. When the grahas are active in their Dasas or periodicities they are said to be particularly empowered to direct the affairs of people and events.
Rahu and Ketu correspond to the points where the moon crosses the ecliptic plane (known as the ascending and descending nodes of the moon). Classically known in Indian and Western astrology as the "head and tail of the dragon", these planets are represented as a serpent-bodied demon beheaded by the Sudarshan Chakra of Vishnu after attempting to swallow the sun. They are primarily used to calculate the dates of eclipses. They are described as "shadow planets" because they are not visible in the night sky. They have an orbital cycle of 18 years and are always 180 degrees from each other.
Gocharas – transits
A natal chart shows the position of the grahas at the moment of birth. Since that moment, the grahas have continued to move around the zodiac, interacting with the natal chart grahas. This period of interaction is called gochara (Sanskrit: gochara, 'transit').
The study of transits is based on the transit of the Moon (Chandra), which spans roughly two days, and also on the movement of Mercury (Budha) and Venus (Sukra) across the celestial sphere, which is relatively fast as viewed from Earth. The movement of the slower planets – Jupiter (Guru), Saturn (Sani) and Rahu–Ketu — is always of considerable importance. Astrologers study the transit of the Dasa lord from various reference points in the horoscope.
Yogas – planetary combinations
Yoga ('union') is a combination of planets placed in a specific relationship to each other
Bhavas – houses
The Hindu Jataka, or birth chart, is the Bhava Chakra (Sanskrit: 'division' 'wheel'),
the complete 360° circle of life, divided into houses, and represents a way of enacting the in
fluences in the wheel. Each house has associated karaka (Sanskrit: 'significator')
planets that can alter the interpretation of a particular house.
Drishti - aspects
Drishti (Sanskrit: Drstii, 'sight') is an aspect to an entire house. Grahas cast only forward
aspects, with the furthest aspect being considered the strongest. For example, Mars aspects the 4th, 7th, and 8th houses from its position, and its 8th house aspect is considered more powerful than its 7th aspect, which is in turn more powerful than its 4th aspect.

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